Track your spending and save with your own Money Personal Trainer
Are you spending more than you earn? Do you want to start a savings plan but don’t know how? Want to take control of your spending? Special event wedding/holiday/car purchase coming up and can’t pay for it? How does your wealth rating compare to the average?
According to ASIC’s MoneySmart website “57% of Australians are savers and of those who are saving 48% are saving for a home and 47% are saving for a holiday*
If you answered Yes to any of the above questions and would like to start saving a financial planner from MBA Financial Strategists can assist you develop a savings plan with our MyMoneyPT service.
How does MyMoneyPT work?
So you want to start saving today?
Don’t delay take control of your finances and request a free consultation with one of our financial planners
* MoneySmart brand tracking program, Sweeney Research January 2014 (n=1,380)